Get ready to pay a tidy sum for one of these systems. Origin hasn't mentioned pricing for Extreme Edition-equipped models as I write this, but Velocity Micro notes that the lowest-cost PC of its bunch, the ProMagix HD80, starts at $1,799 (and that's likely without the 10-core CPU). That's practically par for the course, mind you. If you're the sort who wouldn't flinch at paying $600-plus for a GeForce GTX 1080 video card, springing for an Extreme Edition processor isn't that much of a stretch.
Velocity Micro jump on Intel's 10-core processor
Get ready to pay a tidy sum for one of these systems. Origin hasn't mentioned pricing for Extreme Edition-equipped models as I write this, but Velocity Micro notes that the lowest-cost PC of its bunch, the ProMagix HD80, starts at $1,799 (and that's likely without the 10-core CPU). That's practically par for the course, mind you. If you're the sort who wouldn't flinch at paying $600-plus for a GeForce GTX 1080 video card, springing for an Extreme Edition processor isn't that much of a stretch.